Lentils with grilled leeks – Endorfin gastro pub

Thanks to Endorfin gastro pub and their chef Nikola
Lentils with grilled leeks
To prepare you need:
Leek 80gr
Carrot 20g
Garlic 1 small clove
Swiss chard 20g
Ajvar 1 tbsp
Lentils 100g
Cream or light cheese 1 tablespoon
Aleva paprika
1/2 teaspoon Lemon
Balsamic vinegar
Olive oil , Salt, Pepper
Fry chopped 20g of leeks (green part only), carrots, garlic in the olive oil. Add the lentils, ajvar and all the spice and sauté very briefly and pour water (one or two fingers above the lentils). Simmer over the medium heat until the lentils are cooked nicely and most of the water has evaporated. If necessary, add water if you need to cook it more. Just before the end, add the chopped chard and boil it very briefly, just to soften it. Meanwhile, while the lentils are cooking, cut the rest of the leeks into two halves lengthwise and in a pan on the heated olive oil, grill it on the both sides to get a nice color and to soften it. Towards the end, just pour a little balsamic vinegar over the leeks to get a light caramelization. Stir in little lemon juice and the chives you have previously picked from your pot into the mileram. Serve the lentils on a plate, place the leeks over and gently lower the spoon of light cheese or cream. Recommended to be served with Disco NEIPA & Mandarin Single Hop.