Chicken under a brick- Cveće Zla, chef Stefan Zečević

One of the first places for Kabinet beers, together with the boutique hotel Square Nine, fine dining restaurant Homa and the first craft beer bar Samo Pivo, was famous Dijagonala, today their sequal is Cveće Zla. Here is a recommendation of their chef Stefan Zečević.
Chicken under a brick
Brick 1 pc
Chicken 1 pc
Young potatoes 1 kg
Homemade mayonnaise 8 tablespoons
Butter 50 g
Lemon 1/2
Dijon mustard 1 tbsp.
Mustard 1 tbsp.
Red onion or chives 1 tbsp.
Sugar 100 g
Water 1.2 L
Sunflower oil 100 ml
Preparation : Remove the top of the wings with scissors, place the chicken on the chest, remove the occipital and dorsal bone (you can save the cut parts for a soup), turn the chicken’s chest upwards and spread the saw with strong palm pressure. Dissolve sugar and salt in water and place the whole chicken in the solution. After 1 hour in the solution, remove the chicken and dry well with a cloth. In a pan as wide as possible, on a high heat when the oil starts to smoke, place the chicken skin side down and press with the brick that you previously wrapped in aluminium foil. After 5 minutes, put the pan with the chicken and brick in the oven and bake for 40 minutes at 245 C. While the chicken is roasting, cook the potatoes in salted water until the moment when we can pierce the largest potato with very little resistance. After 40 minutes, remove the chicken from the pan and fry the boiled potatoes in the remaining oil, which we lightly mashed by the hand. From mayonnaise, red onion, mustard make a dressing for potatoes. When the potatoes are ready, deglaze with a little lemon juice in the same pan over a medium heat. Add butter and very little water and make a sauce. Poop the chicken, ideally with To the Moon or Shake those Melons.