Wit, Koa Koa & You Happy Me Happy

K2abinet – Kosara Dangić Melentijević

KB: What ideas are behind this creative solution?
KK: The idea was that the photo clearly express freshness, summer aromas and atypical style of this wheat beer.

KB: What was your initial inspiration?
KK: After a few initial ideas, I found this rare eight-pointed starfish and her particularity was a trigger for the photo.

KB: Was it the taste of the beer that defined design of the label?
KK: Of course, the working title was the Club Med along the lines of the Belgian concept of summer resorts because this is the Belgian style of wheat beer but with lemon peel from the island of Vis.

KB: How does it feel like to do a design for the first Serbian craft beer?
KK: Thrilling, first of all because I am an amateur photographer.

KB: What is your favorite Kabinet beer?
KK: Bastardo, Vertigo, Wit, Vista … I conclude that I can not choose a favorite one.

Photography of the eight-pointed starfish’s is a work of Kosara Dangić – Melentijević, Master of Economics, amateur photographer and a professional gourmet, also one of the two cofounders of the Kabinet brewery.

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